Monday 29 May 2017


From my childhood i have been following one of the religion which my parents used to follow. Every day prayers is in my routine. I can say I am a good follower of my religion. When I was at my teenage I used to read religious books and gain knowledge about my religion. I love to share my knowledge with others.

One day a question arise in my mind “If God created everything Who created God” that question turned my faith into confusion. And I want this confusion to be clear as soon as possible because it is the matter of my faith, i have been following and believing my religion since childhood.

So I decided to find the answer. I met many scholars and asked them about this, no one was able to answer that question that satisfies me. Some scholar's advice me not to ask these kinds of questions.

So I decided to find the answer in religious and history books. I had searched several books but couldn't find any answer.

One day I opened a book of a scholar (imam) whose life was described from his childhood. It was a story of a boy from Iraq. When (imam) was a boy a roman king attacked his city and took control over his city. The roman king gathered the people of that city and gives an offer that he will leave there city if they can be able to answer one question.


No one was able to answer that question. After a minute a boy raises his hand and said that he can answer that question. The roman king laughed and said that this boy will answer in behalf of this city. He calls the boy to his throne and asked him “Tell me who created God”?

The boy asked the king to count from 10 in decreasing order.

The king counts and stops at 1.

The boy asked count more.

King replies there is nothing before 1.

The boy asked the king what is before 1, who created 1.

King replies there is nothing before 1 and 1 is it by himself no one created 1.

The boy smiles and said yes you are right there is nothing before 1 and no one created 1 and everything is created by 1 like this, God is One no one creates him, there is nothing before him and everything is created by him.

The king accepted the boy reply and leave the city.

And from my part I was very happy, satisfied and my confusion turned into my faith again thanks to that boy(Imam).

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