Wednesday 31 May 2017

Silkroad Pharmacy is a worldwide online drug store that offers its clients a demonstrated, trusted wellspring of value meds and services.

Silkroad Pharmacy offers an advantageous, private, moderate option to traditional drug stores and other exorbitant online administrations. We empower patients with transportation issues, restricted access to quality medicinal mind and security needs to have their prescriptions securely conveyed straightforwardly to their entryway, without the bother and time obligation of going to a specialist’s office.
Rxeasymed is worldwide known online pharmacy. . It offers medicine-help and advice solution to assist customer improved realization of operation of drugs, their benefits, adverse effects as well as possibilities to intermingle with various other medications. It provides leading as well as ease of purchase of drugstore items, skin care, vitamins as well as health supplements, and much more. The company makes use of pharmacists to be online to help the customer’s queries regarding the drugs.
Our company is doing business since 2005. Now we expand our business into online drugs sales. We are sure that we will merit the trust of our customers. would like to help you save money and time by delivering drugs to your location with best prices. We ship drugs worldwide except countries and regions, where they are prohibited by the law. Feel free to provide us with proper information about taxes and prohibitions in your country. It will help us to improve on our service. Most drugs are available and fresh delivered to your doorstep within an average of 3-5 for Days for United Kingdom, 6-9 Days for United States, 9-19 Days for Europe Counries and reship parcels delivery time in working days depending on country and region. Our shop represents a combination of the genuine steroids with best service, lowest prices and high product quality. We always careful about our regular customers. We treat every customer as the exclusive one. Also we will be very glad to know your opinion about our services and our internet shop, and we will listen to any of your suggestion to improve the quality of our services. So do not hesitate to contact us at

Drugs Trading is an online pharmacy store. We are not manufacturers, we trade prescription medicines by the way of wholesale regularly. We don't have any physical Pharmacy Store, we are doing online business and we have stock (warehouse) in Pakistan, USA, UK, Hong Kong and Philippines. So we also do domestic shipping for UK and USA customers. We dispatch the parcels for world wide shipping from our warehouses which suits the destination region best, easy secure & discreet. World Biggest and Cheapest Online Pharmacy Network is to supply inexpensive accessibility to every one of our patients concurrently offering outstanding customer service. It guarantees people all over the world get accessibility to high-quality healthcare at all occasions via advanced solutions at low-cost. We work through an attitude of reaching many people with the medicine their require, save them and decrease the occurrence of diseases or illnesses. Our website encourages a good functioning atmosphere by motivating cooperation, creativity, as well as superiority in all factors of items as well as service quality. We provide a good guidance for clients incapable of deciding choice of medication that is required for the health condition depending on their medical expense allocated. It offers medicine-help and advice solution to assist customer improved realization of operation of drugs, their benefits, adverse effects as well as possibilities to intermingle with various other medications. It provides leading as well as ease of purchase of drugstore items, skin care, vitamins as well as health supplements, and much more. The company makes use of pharmacists to be online to help the customer’s queries regarding the drugs. The website focuses on secrecy as well as discretion in handling with clients' prescription plus medical care requirements.

We are the first one in market who look forward to research molecule based products with 100% purity.We provide you better options to deal, to feel safe and to feel relaxed.
Our packing method, shipping and exporting method is unique and mostly liked by our customers.It is our will to give customers better prices and better customer service.
We wish to be an ideal source in steroid dealing and look forward towards better future for both the customers and us.With us customers always have peace of mind guaranteed.We hope for a better response from the customers.
Your major advantages of buying at Pharma Supplier (World Most Trusted Health Care Online Mall):

·  No prescription required.
·  Drugs without appointments.
·  No waiting rooms.
·  Buy without embarrassment.
·  Private, secure and confidential.
·  Discrete packaging.
·  Receive medicine at your delivery Point.
Our customers are provided with the best service on internet: every medicine order, bigger or smallest, gets personal attention from a highly qualified customer support specialist.

Xsteroid  is an online pharmacy storeOur website encourages a good functioning atmosphere by motivating cooperation, creativity, as well as superiority in all factors of items as well as service quality. We provide a good guidance for clients incapable of deciding choice of medication that is required for the health condition depending on their medical expense allocated

Monday 29 May 2017


From my childhood i have been following one of the religion which my parents used to follow. Every day prayers is in my routine. I can say I am a good follower of my religion. When I was at my teenage I used to read religious books and gain knowledge about my religion. I love to share my knowledge with others.

One day a question arise in my mind “If God created everything Who created God” that question turned my faith into confusion. And I want this confusion to be clear as soon as possible because it is the matter of my faith, i have been following and believing my religion since childhood.

So I decided to find the answer. I met many scholars and asked them about this, no one was able to answer that question that satisfies me. Some scholar's advice me not to ask these kinds of questions.

So I decided to find the answer in religious and history books. I had searched several books but couldn't find any answer.

One day I opened a book of a scholar (imam) whose life was described from his childhood. It was a story of a boy from Iraq. When (imam) was a boy a roman king attacked his city and took control over his city. The roman king gathered the people of that city and gives an offer that he will leave there city if they can be able to answer one question.


No one was able to answer that question. After a minute a boy raises his hand and said that he can answer that question. The roman king laughed and said that this boy will answer in behalf of this city. He calls the boy to his throne and asked him “Tell me who created God”?

The boy asked the king to count from 10 in decreasing order.

The king counts and stops at 1.

The boy asked count more.

King replies there is nothing before 1.

The boy asked the king what is before 1, who created 1.

King replies there is nothing before 1 and 1 is it by himself no one created 1.

The boy smiles and said yes you are right there is nothing before 1 and no one created 1 and everything is created by 1 like this, God is One no one creates him, there is nothing before him and everything is created by him.

The king accepted the boy reply and leave the city.

And from my part I was very happy, satisfied and my confusion turned into my faith again thanks to that boy(Imam).



Advice to young bees about drugs, cigarettes and alcohol
Teenagers often experiment with a variety of activities and substances. Unfortunately, this experimentation can lead to substance abuse and addiction. Statistics show that drug abuse is a growing problem among teens. In addition to cocaine, Ecstasy and other club drugs, a recent Monitoring the Future Study showed that the top six most abused drugs by teens are: marijuana (31.5%), Vicodin (9.7%), amphetamines (8.1%), cough medicine (6.9%), sedatives & tranquilizers (6.6% each). Without treatment, the effects of drug abuse on teens can lead to serious consequences now and well into adulthood.
Awareness to young bees of the risks and keep safe

Drug abuse at any age can cause serious health effects, but teens who abuse drugs are at particular risk for negative consequences. Teens who abuse drugs are more likely to struggle with addiction later in life and have permanent and irreversible brain damage.
Here are many symptoms of drug abuse, but some of the most common signs your teen is abusing drugs are:

1.    Problems with the law, such as DUI, breaking curfew, stealing, etc.
2.    Problems at school, such as excessive tardiness, poor grades, suspension, etc.
3.    Mood swings
4.    Loss of interest in favorite activities
5.    Drug paraphernalia
6.    Violent behavior
7.    Withdrawal
8.    Depression
9.     Poor hygiene

Effects of Drug Abuse on Young Bees:

1.    Emotional problems.
2.    Behavioral problems.
3.    Addiction and dependence.
4.    Risky sex.
5.    Learning problems.
6.    Diseases.
7.    Brain damage.
8.    Car accidents.
Types of drugs
Being in new generation, Drugs means a lot to many young peoples. Fashion and new tradition from before generation has changed and developed a lot in few years. Addiction has become in verities. Addiction of Alcohol is common and drugs are taking place of alcohol.
Addictive Alcohol:  Addiction of Alcohol is common and most common form of Alcohol is beer. Most young bees start their addictive life from beer. Its consumption day-to-day is very common and accepted in daily life.

Cigarettes: It is a form of drug that is cheap and easily available. In comparison with alcohol, cigar and heroin, cigarettes are less harmful. It can be a pleasure anywhere in public. It is the main cause of cancer.

Tobacco in cigarettes has many bad effects  on people (including young bees). It causes impotency, erectile dysfunction (ED) and many diseases which slowly paralyze the whole body.

Heroine: Heroin is a highly addictive, illegal drug. It is used by millions of addicts around the world who are unable to overcome the urge to continue taking this drug every day of their lives—knowing that if they stop, they will face the horror of withdrawal.

 Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is when it is hard to get or keep an erection that's firm enough for sex. ED affects as many as 30 million men.
Most men have problems with erections from time to time. But when this happens more than half of the time, then ED is present. ED can happen when health problems limit blood flow or damage nerves in the penis. ED can also be caused by stress or emotional reasons. ED can be an early warning of a more serious illness. Heart disease, high blood pressure and high blood sugar can all cause ED. Finding and treating the cause(s) of your ED can help your overall health and well-being.

How Erections Work?
When you are not sexually aroused, your penis is soft and limp. During sexual arousal, nerve messages release chemicals that increase blood flow into the penis. The blood flows into 2 erection chambers made of spongy tissue (the corpus cavernosum) in the penis. The "smooth muscle" in the erection chambers relaxes, which lets blood enter and stay in the chambers. The pressure of the blood in the chambers makes the penis firm, giving you an erection. After you have an orgasm, the blood flows out of the chambers and the erection goes away.
Reason to Quit:
1.     You’ll be healthier.
2.     You’ll reduce your risk of death.
3.     You will be more likely to keep a good job
4.     You can preserve your relationships.
5.     You’ll have more money
6.     You will gradually regain the ability to feel real, authentic emotions once again,
7.     People will like you better.
8.     Perhaps the most important reason to quit using drugs is that it’s is a dead end activity.

Black Cobra (Sildenafil Citrate)  treats erectile dysfunction. Helps a man have an erection or have a better erection with his penis during sex. Also treats pulmonary arterial hypertension in both men and women.

Does Alcohol Lead To Erectile Dysfunction & Erection Problems !


Sunday 28 May 2017


Online pharmacy- A boon or curse ?

The Internet has revolutionized the way in which ordinary people conduct their everyday business. People can bank pays bills, manage investments, order various products, and obtain information on an infinite number of topics online. It is not surprising that such an innovation would provide a vehicle for the layperson to educate them and guide the direction of their health. Nor is it surprising that the healthcare industry would seize this opportunity to modernize a commonplace function—prescription dispensation.

 Many online pharmacies offer overnight shipping, allowing customers to avoid the delay of regular mail. Internet pharmacies can offer privacy that is often lacking in a traditional pharmacy. However, there is need to consider critically the ethical principles in the use of cyber medicine. The development of online pharmacies has prompted regulatory and monitoring actions at the federal, state, and professional organization levels. The sale of online medications in the international system is potentially dangerous and requires international regulation.

Here is an overview of online pharmacies, their potential benefits, the organizations involved in regulating these sites, and the major controversies surrounding online pharmacies.


From few days it has been observed that purchasing medicines online has gained popularity these days. Development of these stores is an important innovation. These shops serve as an alternative to the local pharmacies and compete with them in terms of convenience and of course price. Now you might be thinking why these shops are gaining fame? Right? Well, there are various reasons to these questions.

One of the many benefits with these pharmacies is the convenience. People, instead of going to the local shops can type the name of the necessary medicines in the search box on the website of the pharmacy and can make a couple of clicks. And after waiting for a short period they are getting the desired product at their house.

Benefits offered by online pharmacy  is the moderate price charged by them on a list of medicines. This pharmacy usually offer medicines at a price quite less than the original price. It is because this pharmacy do not have any set up like the local pharmacies .The local pharmacies have showrooms and they charge more money for the maintenance, but online pharmacies do not charge more money.
"They sell medicines at a less price".
The next benefit is that we provide special offers on their products so that you can easily buy medicines and can save some amount of money. When you surf the website, you might have paid attention that there are a number of medicines that are sold at a reduced price. Even these pharmacies offered a high rate discounts on their products. If you are getting a product at Rs.10 from a local shop then it is sure that you will get the same product at Rs.7 from the online pharmacies. Apart from these, these pharmacies do not charge any amount for the delivery of the product. You can get your product by sitting at your home and can save money.


Two dangers that go hand-in-hand are self-diagnosis and self-medication because consumers can purchase prescription drugs without ever speaking to a pharmacist or physician. In these days of managed care, it might be weeks before a patient can see a physician for non-emergency purposes. Patients might choose to treat themselves rather than wait for an appointment, or the patient simply may be too embarrassed to discuss the health problem with his physician. These dangers are especially significant given that numerous Internet pharmacies are willing to dispense prescription drugs without a valid prescription.

When a patient utilizes an Internet pharmacy, which provides a medication, based on a cyber-consultation, or if the pharmacy directly dispenses the medication without a prescription, important safeguards are missed. Not only does the patient miss an examination by his physician, the possibility exists that a licensed pharmacist may never review the prescription. The patient bypasses the two professionals who traditionally inform patients of proper utilization, dangerous side effects, and drug interactions.

 Another drawback to Internet pharmacies may be cost, as some consumers pay more for prescription medications obtained over the Internet. High shipping costs and an inability to participate in many insurance plans adds to the cost. Another area of concern involves the prescribing-physician’s credentials. The cyber doctor’s qualifications and his experience may be questionable, yet the patient has no way to screen the physician.

"At last i have to say that every coin has two faces and everything has two ways of using it, it depends on you how to."